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Design & Technology

Design & Technology core knowledge

DT KS3 CK key words

DT KS3 CK quiz

DT KS4 CK revision material

DT KS4 CK revision material answers

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Click here for: Aylsham High School - Design Technology curriculum map 2023-24
Click here for the options booklet with DT video link (under DT subject section):

Our vision for Design Technology is of an inspiring, rigorous subject based around the teaching and learning of technical knowledge and practical competencies in support of the design and realisation of different products in a range of materials. Design Technology gives students the skills and abilities to engage positively with the designed and made world.  Students learn how products and systems are designed and manufactured, how to be innovative and to make creative use of a variety of resources including traditional and digital technologies, to improve the world around them. Wherever possible, students address ‘real life’ design problems derived from contextual challenges. The curriculum also prepares the students for the world they live.


At KS3, we operate a rotation system whereby groups complete projects that fall under the umbrella of timber and metal with different specialist teachers. In this way students experience the full range of Design Technology material areas. We aim to meet all the demands of the National Curriculum for Design Technology. Our curriculum is accessible to all through provision of a range of opportunities and challenges for students of diverse abilities, talents and backgrounds. Students learn to work independently and in groups. All are encouraged to be well motivated and confident learners and problem solvers. Projects are based around design and make activities, covering a range of contexts and materials. Each project also aims to build technical knowledge and develop students’ ability to analyse and evaluate their own work. We aim to, wherever possible, make links to designs and designers throughout history, providing opportunities for students to critically reflect upon and evaluate their designs. At the centre of the subject is creativity and imagination. Design & Technology is a subject which draws, develops and implements a range of different disciplines including mathematics, science, engineering, computing, geography, business studies and art. The subject embeds high quality literacy skills through analysis and evaluation techniques.

As students’ progress to KS4 they choose an area within Design & Technology to study. In the chosen area, the subject allows for deeper study of the world they live in, potential career opportunities and with the skills developed at KS3 the confidence to take risks, become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. The subjects encourage students to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems, within a variety of contexts, while considering their own and other’s needs, wants and values.


We assess projects and monitor progress over time. We aim to ensure that by the end of each key stage, students have:

  • Developed the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently.
  • The ability to apply a range of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users and analysis, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others.
  • Developed a critical understanding of the impact of Design Technology on daily life and the wider world.
  • The ability to progress into a range of Design Technology specialist areas.